Serving as a CivicSpark AmeriCorps fellow has shown me that we have the power to make an impact in the communities around us. Helping staff members of water agencies master leak detection in underground pipeline is just one project I’ve been involved in, and just one project will result in a very large amount of water and energy savings.

CivicSpark is a Governor’s Initiative AmeriCorps program that is dedicated to building capacity for local governments to address emerging environmental and social equity resilience challenges such as climate change, water resource management, affordable housing, and mobility. CivicSpark is administered by the 苹果手机上推特教程 in partnership with the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research.
PARTNER applications are still being accepted on a rolling basis for limited regions
Have questions about CivicSpark and COVID-19? Visit our FAQ for more info.

Alyssa Collins
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Ryan Silber
2016-17 Fellow, Central Coast Region

CivicSpark has been invaluable to the successful launch of our building energy transparency requirement. Collaboration of the CivicSpark Bay Area team has enriched our program new perspectives and best practices from other cities. It has been a great experience for all involved.
Billi Romain
Sustainability Program Manager, City of Berkeley

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2015-16 Fellow, Central Valley Region

I have been presented with experiences that have allowed me to grow professionally and personally. Working through the challenges that this position generates has enhanced my professional development and my ability to think critically. I will certainly take what I have learned throughout this service year into the next steps of my environmental career.
Kyle Ramey
2014-15 Fellow, Bay Area Region

The projects [our fellow is working on] are important for the County’s success in designing and implementing climate action strategies. They are also significant components in broader thinking about long-term sustainability. Without our CivicSpark fellow, these significant pieces of work would be several years out for their completion.
Sally Seymour
Sustainable Napa County

I am so happy with what I have learned and how I have grown throughout this service year. The experiences and autonomy I had in my service project were invaluable. The amount that I learned about environmental sustainability and the workings of government has given me so much insight into the way I want to work on the issues I care about most.
Bree Swenson
2015-16 Fellow, Southern California Region

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2014-15 Fellow, Sierra Nevada Region

This program is providing a lot of value for us. When we are required to address the climate action plans, it is a requirement we can’t implement. This is providing us some real action and support and we are seeing progress.
Noah Smukler
Vice Chair, San Luis Obispo Air Pollution Control District board
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CivicSpark Fellows assist in many ways to build local government capacity to respond to pressing community resilience issues.

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CivicSpark Fellows focus on a range of climate change, water, housing, and mobility projects.
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